title: Food Pyramid #3

image: https://image-beta.w.kodadot.xyz/type/endpoint/https://image.w.kodadot.xyz/ipfs/QmYjihhpiaGbm4kHbdKgYmjzNFHFj9TX4C5TMqrH4preTY?w=400

price: 100.0000 DOT

usd: 440.00

network: Polkadot AssetHub

Food Pyramid #3
{ "id": "83-91", "createdAt": "2024-09-26T15:28:12.000000Z", "name": "Food Pyramid #3", "image": "ipfs://ipfs/QmYjihhpiaGbm4kHbdKgYmjzNFHFj9TX4C5TMqrH4preTY", "metadata": "ipfs://ipfs/QmdG3c7JE92259KAa2XGsmDX7tCdTLk8dUFJpGz6nTZv4Y", "currentOwner": "129SJm1hPEyfqFcBgjqJc9Hu58uHxBxgQ3xkxkfKeQoGnfby", "issuer": "129SJm1hPEyfqFcBgjqJc9Hu58uHxBxgQ3xkxkfKeQoGnfby", "meta": { "id": "ipfs://ipfs/QmdG3c7JE92259KAa2XGsmDX7tCdTLk8dUFJpGz6nTZv4Y", "name": "Food Pyramid #3", "description": "Food Pyramid NFT \nby Maurii\n\n\"Food Pyramid\" by Maurii, minted on the Polkadot Asset Hub, is a thought-provoking NFT that delves into the corruption within the global food system. The artwork critiques how food industries, driven by profit motives, shape public health policies and manipulate consumer behavior. By symbolically representing a twisted version of the traditional food pyramid, the NFT brings attention to the misinformation and deceptive practices used by corporations to promote unhealthy dietary habits.\nAt the core of \"Food Pyramid\" is the issue of ultra-processed foods, which have become a staple in many diets worldwide. These foods, often packed with artificial ingredients, preservatives, and high levels of sugar, salt, and fat, are linked to numerous health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The NFT highlights how the normalization of these foods, particularly in low-income communities, is a reflection of corporate greed and government complicity.\n", "image": "ipfs://ipfs/QmYjihhpiaGbm4kHbdKgYmjzNFHFj9TX4C5TMqrH4preTY", "animationUrl": null, "type": "image/png" }, "price": "1000000000000" }